Euro Veterinary Science Congress

    April 02-03, 2020 Paris | France

      Euro Veterinary Science Congress

      April 02-03, 2020 Paris | France

      Why Should You Attend Euro Veterinary 2020?

      Peers Alley Media Events


      Primary goal of attending an international conference is to present a paper to the experts and influencers. It gives you a platform to exchange your interest-related thoughts, paving the way for possible future collaborations.

      Peers Alley Media Events


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      Meet and greet a myriad of industry professionals and academia experts with common interest. Every meal will be an opportunity to meet and interact with fellow researchers, attendees and experts.

      Peers Alley Media Events


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      Explore insights on recent advancements, new equipment, new techniques, and unpublished data, learn from thought-leaders and get to network with a great line up of speakers.

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      Attending the conference gives you much needed break from your regular duties. It also allows you to explore new cities, culture and meet new people. You will feel energized and rejuvenated to return to the university and continue with the job after attending the conference.

      Event summary

      Conferences are vital forum for academic researchers and business leaders. "It involves multiple presentations, interactive breakout sessions, hands-on product demonstrations and unrivalled networking opportunities".

      We have invited some of the world's most sought-after keynote speakers, experts, brand ambassadors, and industry leaders to share their thoughts and ideas with our conference guests.

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      Euro Veterinary 2020 conference

      Peers Alley Group is glad to offer you a platform at Euro Veterinary 2020 which is to be held during April 02-03, 2020 at Paris, France. It will be an inventive and useful international gathering mirroring the heading of veterinary science in the 21st century and offers an extensive variety of redirection to members of all foundations.

      Veterinary medicine has made many important contributions towards animal and human health. 

      Reasons to Attend Euro Veterinary 2020:
      1.      Meet Experts & Influencers in Your Field
      2.      Grow Your Professional Network
      3.      Live Interaction with Like Minded People 
      4.      Share Your Content
      5.      Learn New Things, Grow Your Self
      6.      Brand Establishment
      7.      Conference CE/ CPD
      8.      Continuing Education, Certification
      9.      Global Reach & Highest Visibility
      10.    Workshops, Symposium

      about Euro Veterinary 2020 conference
      Euro Veterinary 2020 Conference

      Welcome Message

      Meet our first list of distinguished speakers
      We're adding more every week


      Peers Alley Media Marina Pavlak

      Marina Pavlak

      University of Zagreb, Croatia

      Peers Alley Media Andrew Knight

      Andrew Knight

      University of Winchester, UK

      Peers Alley Media Alexey A Burkin

      Alexey A Burkin

      All-Russian Research Institute for Veterinary Sanitation, Hygiene and Ecology, Russia

      Peers Alley Media Azad Singh Panwar

      Azad Singh Panwar

      ICAR-Indian Institute of Farming Systems Research, India

      Conference Highlights

      Peers Alley Media: Veterinary Toxicology

      Veterinary Toxicology

      It is the comprehension of wellsprings of toxins, conditions of presentation, determination of the sort of harming, treatment, and utilization of the board or instructive procedures to avoid harming. Amphibian toxicology is the investigation of the impacts of synthetic substances and other anthropogenic and common materials and exercises on sea-going living beings at different degrees of association, from sub cell through individual creatures to networks and environments. Part of toxicology manages bug sprays. The vast majority of the bug sprays enter through skin. A portion of the bug sprays are unstable and enter through inward breath into the body. This branch likewise manages security, debasement and refinement of bug sprays in condition.

      Sub Tracks:

      Veterinary pharmacology:

      Veterinary pharmacology and toxicology are by and large progressively perceived as significant trains and were likewise quickly changing and advancing in the mid-twentieth century. Pharmacology makes an interpretation of principal bits of knowledge into medication activity and destiny into clinical treatment. 

      Pesticide harming in Animals: 

      All pesticides have some degree of harmfulness. Indeed, even the least-dangerous items can mess wellbeing up if a creature is presented to enough of it. The danger of medical issues depends on how dangerous the fixings are, yet in addition on the measure of presentation to the item. A few creatures might be more delicate than others with the impacts of specific pesticides. 

      Creatures come into contact with pesticides from multiple points of view: 

      •     Pets might be uncovered when we use pesticides in and around our homes and gardens. 

      •    Pesticides are utilized on pets and domesticated animals to dispose of bugs, ticks and mosquitoes. 

      •    Animals may eat mice and rodents that were harmed by pesticides. 

      •    Animals may eat pesticides that smell appealing, for example, a rat, gopher, or slug lures. 

      •    Livestock and bumble bees might be presented to pesticides from direct application, applications to stables and fields, or float from close by rural harvests. 

      •    Wildlife may likewise be accidentally presented to pesticides by eating harmed creatures or utilization of ranger service pesticides.

      Veterinary pathology:

      Veterinary pathologists are specialists of veterinary medication who work in the analysis of infections through the assessment of creature tissue and body liquids. Like medicinal pathology, veterinary pathology is separated into two branches, anatomical pathology and clinical pathology. Other than the finding of sickness in nourishment delivering creatures, partner creatures, zoo creatures and untamed life, veterinary pathologists likewise have a significant job in medication revelation and security just as logical research.

      •    Clinical Veterinary Toxicology
      •    Applications & Current Trends
      •    Animal Toxicology Essentials
      •    Venomous Animals


      Animal Science Conferences 2020 Conference on Veterinary Animal Health Conferences 2020 Zoonosis Conferences One Health Conferences Animal Physiology Conferences Avian Science Conferences Veterinary Biotechnology Conferences Veterinary Science Events Veterinary Welfare Conferences Animal Science Conferences 2020 USA Equine Science Conferences 2020 Animal Science Symposia Animal Husbandry Conferences Veterinary Meetings

      • Max Seats

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        20 mins

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      Peers Alley Media: Veterinary Surgery and Radiology

      Veterinary Surgery and Radiology

      Veterinary medical procedure is medical procedure performed on creatures by veterinarians, whereby the methods fall into three general classes: orthopedics (bones, joints, muscles), delicate tissue medical procedure (skin, body holes, cardiovascular framework, GI/urogenital/respiratory tracts), and neurosurgery. Progressed surgeries, for example, joint substitution (complete hip, knee and elbow substitution), crack fix, adjustment of cranial cruciate tendon inadequacy, oncologic (malignancy) medical procedure, herniated plate treatment, convoluted gastrointestinal or urogenital methods, kidney transplant, skin unites, confused injury the executives, negligibly obtrusive strategies (arthroscopy, laparoscopy, thoracoscopy) are performed by veterinary specialists (as enrolled in their jurisdiction).Veterinary Radiology is the medicinal claim to fame that utilizations restorative imaging to analyze and treat infections in creatures.

      Sub Tracks:

      Veterinary Anesthesiology:

      Veterinary anesthesia will be anesthesia performed on non-human creatures by a veterinarian or a Registered Veterinary Technician. It is the duty of Veterinary Anesthesiologists to give sedation, help with discomfort and anesthesia by utilization of medicine during Veterinary surgeries and demonstrative assessments. Anesthesia is utilized for a more extensive scope of conditions in creatures than in individuals, because of creatures' powerlessness to collaborate with certain analytic or remedial systems. Veterinary anesthesia incorporates anesthesia of the significant species: hounds, felines, ponies, cows, sheep, goats, and pigs, just as every other creature requiring veterinary consideration, for example, fowls, pocket pets, and untamed life.

      Veterinary Surgical Instruments:

      Handling careful instrumentation is a significant every day capacity of veterinary practices. Understanding the properties of careful instruments can support veterinary experts and partners see the estimation of effectively handling instruments to guarantee their appropriate capacity and draw out their life. It is likewise critical to distinguish the inalienable key shortcomings of instrument structure that can diminish quality, disable capacity, and improve the probability of holding unsafe bioburden buildup. 

      Careful instruments are unequivocally intended to serve significant capacities. During assembling, careful instruments experience producing, processing, hardening, cleaning, passivation, and drawing. With appropriate assembling and care, instruments can keep going for quite a long time.

      •    Veterinary Diagnosis and Treatment
      •    Digital Radiography
      •    Veterinary Radiology Equipments
      •    Veterinary Radiography positioning

      Veterinary Biotechnology Conferences Veterinary Symposia Animal Research Events USA Animal Ecology Conferences Zoonosis Conferences Camel Science Conferences Conference on Veterinary Animal Health Conferences 2020 Veterinary Conferences Animal Science Conferences Veterinary Care Conferences Veterinary Research Meetings Animal Congress Europe Veterinary Science Events Conference on Animal Sciences

      • Max Seats

        15 seats

      • Speaker Time

        20 mins

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      Peers Alley Media: Camel and Equine Science

      Camel and Equine Science

      Camels have for quite some time been trained and, as domesticated animals, they give nourishment and materials. As working creatures, camels—which are remarkably fit to their desert natural surroundings—are an imperative methods for vehicle for travelers and freight. There are three enduring types of camel. The one-bumped dromedary makes up 94% of the world's camel populace, and the two-bumped Bactrian camel makes up the rest of. The Wild Bactrian camel is a different animal types and is presently basically jeopardized. Equine science is a specialization inside creature science, which includes the investigation of the generation, physiology, conduct and nourishment of steeds.

      Sub Tracks:
      •    Camel & Equine Adaptations
      •    Innovations in Camel & Equine Research
      •    Camel & Equine reproduction
      •    Camel & Equine Equipment

      Avian Science Conferences Camel Science Conferences Livestock Conferences Animal Welfare Conferences 2020 Animal Science Conferences 2020 USA Veterinary Nursing Conferences Veterinary Conferences 2020 Veterinary Toxicology Conferences Animal Science Events Veterinary pathology Conferences Animal Health Conferences 2020 Veterinary Workshops Zoonosis Conferences Global Veterinary Conferences Animal Science Conferences 2020

      • Max Seats

        15 seats

      • Speaker Time

        20 mins

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      Peers Alley Media: Animal Nutrition

      Animal Nutrition

      Creature Nutrition envelops the full array of creature healthful science, including, yet not restricted to, basic parts of creature sustenance, for example, wholesome prerequisites, metabolic examinations, body sythesis, energetics, immunology, neuroscience, microbiology, hereditary qualities and atomic and cell science identified with nourishment and applied parts of creature nourishment, for example, crude material assessment, feed added substances, nutritive estimation of novel fixings, and feed security. Creature sustenance centers around the dietary needs of creatures, essentially those in horticulture and nourishment generation, yet in addition in zoos, aquariums, and untamed life the board.

      Sub Tracks:
      Animal Health and Diseases:
      Animal health surveillance is a tool to monitor disease trends, to facilitate the control of infection or infestation, to provide data for use in risk analysis, for animal or public health purposes, to substantiate the rationale for sanitary measures and for providing assurances to trading partners.

      •    Animal Supplements
      •    Principles of Animal Nutrition and Feeds
      •    Animal Herbal Health
      •    Animal Resources
      •    Animal Protection

      Animal Research Meetings Veterinary Surgery Conferences Camel Science Conferences Veterinary Meetings Animal Science Meetings Veterinary Welfare Conferences Veterinary Seminars 2020 Veterinary pharmacology Conferences Animal Congress Europe Animal Science Conferences Conference on Veterinary Global Veterinary Conferences Veterinary Toxicology Conferences Veterinary Workshops Transgenic Animal Conferences

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      Peers Alley Media: Veterinary Research

      Veterinary Research

      Veterinary research on general wellbeing and sanitation can add to: Improving discovery and observation of nourishment borne pathogens related with domesticated animals and poultry creation. Creating intercessions to lessen their spread. Veterinary research fuses ask about on aversion, control, investigation, and treatment of infirmities of creatures and on the crucial science, welfare, and care of creatures. Veterinary research rises above species limits and incorporates the investigation of immediately happening and tentatively initiated models of both human and creature sickness and research at human-creature interfaces, for example, sanitation, natural life and biological system wellbeing, zoonotic infections, and open arrangement.

      Sub Tracks:
      Dairy farming:

      Dairy cultivating is a class of agribusiness for long haul creation of milk, which is handled (either on the ranch or at a dairy plant, both of which might be known as a dairy) for possible clearance of a dairy item. Feed for their steers are by a long shot probably the biggest cost for dairy maker whether it is given by the land they brush or harvests developed or acquired. Field based dairy makers put a lot of time and exertion into keeping up their fields and in this way feed for their cows. Field the executives methods, for example, rotational nibbling are basic for dairy creation. Numerous enormous dairies that convey nourishment to their cows have a committed nutritionist who is liable for planning abstains from food with creature wellbeing, milk generation, and cost effectiveness as a main priority. For most extreme efficiency diets must be detailed contrastingly relying upon the development rate, milk creation, and conceptive status of every creature.

      Livestock Production and Animal Husbandry:

      Domesticated animals is usually characterized as trained creatures brought up in a farming setting to deliver work and wares, for example, meat, eggs, milk, hide, calfskin, and fleece. The rearing, support, and butcher of domesticated animals, known as animal cultivation, is a segment of present day horticulture that has been rehearsed in numerous societies since mankind's change to cultivating from tracker gatherer ways of life. A creature cultivation practice has changed broadly crosswise over societies and timeframes, and keeps on playing a significant financial and social job in various networks.

      Poultry farming:

      Poultry cultivating is the type of creature farming which raises trained winged animals, for example, chickens, ducks, turkeys and geese to deliver meat or eggs for nourishment. Poultry – generally chickens – are cultivated in incredible numbers. Ranchers raise in excess of 50 billion chickens every year. Chickens raised for eggs are known as layers, while chickens raised for meat are called ovens.

      Avian and Exotic Science:

      Ornithology is a part of zoology that worries the investigation of winged creatures. A few parts of ornithology vary from related orders, due halfway to the high perceivability and the tasteful intrigue of flying creatures. 

      The study of ornithology has a long history and concentrates on fowls have built up a few key ideas in advancement, conduct and biology, for example, the meaning of species, the procedure of speciation, sense, learning, environmental specialties, organizations, island biogeography, phylogeography and protection.

      Wildlife Management:

      Untamed life the board is a general term for the way toward keeping wild species at attractive levels as controlled by natural life supervisors. Natural life the executives can incorporate game keeping, untamed life protection and vermin control. Natural life preservation plans to stop the misfortune in the Earth's biodiversity by mulling over biological standards, for example, conveying limit, unsettling influence and progression and ecological conditions, for example, physical topography, pedology and hydrology. Most natural life researcher are worried about the conservation and improvement of living spaces in spite of the fact that rewilding is progressively being utilized.

      Meat Science & Technology:
      Meat science is the investigation of meat, including its creation, planning and safeguarding. Some meat researchers are contemplating techniques for creating counterfeit meat, for example, societies of muscle cells. Meat is significant in economy and culture, despite the fact that its large scale manufacturing and utilization has been resolved to posture dangers for human wellbeing and nature.

      Veterinary Meetings Animal Research Meetings Veterinary Research Meetings Veterinary Conferences Veterinary Science Events Veterinary Nursing Conferences Veterinary Workshops Animal Science Conferences Veterinary Toxicology Conferences Veterinary Conferences 2020 Europe Veterinary Surgery Conferences Animal Science Conferences 2020 USA Animal Research Events USA Veterinary Conferences 2020 Animal Science Workshops

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      Peers Alley Media: Genetics and Animal Breeding

      Genetics and Animal Breeding

      Creature rearing is the procedure of particular mating of creatures with attractive hereditary characteristics, to keep up or improve these qualities in who and what is to come. Animal reproducing is a part of creature science that tends to the assessment (utilizing best direct impartial forecast and different strategies) for the hereditary worth (evaluated rearing worth, EBV) of domesticated animals. Choosing for rearing creatures with prevalent EBV in development rate, egg, meat, milk, or fleece generation, or with other alluring qualities has altered domesticated animals generation all through the world.

      Sub Tracks:
      Animal Growth & Development:
      Animal development, the processes that lead eventually to the formation of a new animal starting from cells derived from one or more parent individuals. Development thus occurs following the process by which a new generation of organisms is produced by the parent generation.

      •    Evolution of Animal Breeding
      •    Breeding Practice
      •    Artificial Insemination
      •    Animal Production
      •    Farm Animal Genetic Resources
      •    Importance of weight control for breeding animals
      •    Epigenetics

      Animal Science Symposia Transgenic Animal Conferences Veterinary Conferences Veterinary Technician Conferences Animal Science Events International Veterinary Conferences International Animal Science Conferences Veterinary pathology Conferences Veterinary Symposia Veterinary Welfare Conferences Veterinary Conferences 2020 Europe Conference on Veterinary Animal Health Conferences 2020 Animal Science Conferences Animal Ecology Conferences

      • Max Seats

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      Peers Alley Media: Veterinary Epidemiology

      Veterinary Epidemiology

      Veterinary disease transmission experts are particular veterinarians who spotlight on ailment flare-ups in creature populaces. The study of disease transmission distinguishes the circulation of maladies, factors fundamental their source and cause, and strategies for their control; this requires a comprehension of how political, social and logical elements meet to fuel ailment hazard, which makes the study of disease transmission an interesting science.

      Sub Tracks:
      Animal welfare:

      Creature welfare is the prosperity of nonhuman creatures. The guidelines of "good" creature welfare fluctuate impressively between various settings. These guidelines are under consistent survey and are discussed, made and modified by creature welfare gatherings, administrators and scholastics around the world. Creature welfare science utilizes different measures, for example, life span, illness, immunosuppression, conduct, physiology, and generation, despite the fact that there is banter about which of these markers give the best data.

      Animal Behavior:

      Ethology is the logical and target investigation of creature conduct, for the most part with an attention on conduct under normal conditions, and review conduct as a developmentally versatile quality. Creature conduct incorporates every one of the manners in which creatures communicate with different life forms and the physical condition. Conduct can likewise be characterized as an adjustment in the movement of a life form in light of a boost, an outer or inside signal or combo of prompts.

      Animal Ecology & Physiology:

      Creature biology concerns the connections of people to their surroundings, including physical elements and different life forms, and the results of these connections for advancement, populace development and guideline, associations between species, the arrangement of natural networks, and vitality stream and supplement spinning through the biological system.

      Animal Habitats:
      All creatures and plants need a spot to live. Most pick—or are naturally introduced to—specific living spaces. Environments are puts in nature that give nourishment, security from predators and troublesome climate, and a home wherein to raise youthful. Natural surroundings are described frequently by atmosphere and area. They can extend from warm, clammy regions close to the Equator, for example, the Amazon downpour woodland—to cold polar territories, for example, the Arctic. The creatures that live in a specific territory have adjustments that enable them to get by there.

      Livestock Conferences Veterinary Technician Conferences Conference on Veterinary Animal Science Events One Health Conferences Veterinary Welfare Conferences Animal Science Meetings Conference on Animal Sciences Equine Science Conferences 2020 Poultry Production Conferences Europe Veterinary Workshops Zoonosis Conferences Veterinary Biotechnology Conferences Animal Science Symposia Veterinary pharmacology Conferences

      • Max Seats

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      Peers Alley Media: Veterinary Medicine

      Veterinary Medicine

      Veterinary drug is the part of medication that manages the anticipation, conclusion and treatment of illness, issue and damage in creatures. Veterinary science helps human wellbeing through the checking and control of zoonotic sickness (irresistible malady transmitted from non-human creatures to people), sanitation, and in a roundabout way through human applications from fundamental restorative research. They likewise help to keep up nourishment supply through domesticated animals wellbeing observing and treatment, and emotional well-being by keeping pets sound and long living.

      Sub Tracks:
      Veterinary Cardiology:
      A veterinary cardiologist is a specialist that has advanced training in the heart and circulatory system of the animals. Cardiology addresses any abnormalities of the heart, including valvular diseases, cardiomyopathies, pericardial diseases, heart failure, birth defects, tumors, and many others.

      Veterinary Dermatology:
      It is the branch of medicine dealing with the animal skin, nails, hair (functions & structures) and diseases. It is a specialty with both medical and surgical aspects. A dermatologist is specialist doctor that manages diseases, in the widest sense, and some cosmetic problems of the skin, hair and nails.

      Veterinary Dentistry:
      It is the field of dentistry applied to the care of animals. It is the art and science of prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of conditions, diseases, and disorders of the oral cavity, the maxillo-facial region, and its associated structures as it relates to animals.

      Veterinary Ophthalmology:
      It is a branch of medicine and surgery which deals with the diagnosis and treatment of eye disorders. 

      Veterinary Orthopaedics:
      It is the branch of surgery concerned with conditions involving the musculoskeletal system.

      Veterinary Oncology:
      Veterinary oncology is a subspecialty of veterinary medicine that deals with cancer diagnosis and treatment in animals. Cancer is a major cause of death in pet animals. In one study, 45% of the dogs that reached 10 years of age or older died of cancer. Skin tumors are the most frequently diagnosed type of tumor in domestic animals for two reasons: 1. constant exposure of animal skin to the sun and external environment, 2. skin tumors are easy to see because they are on the outside of the animal.

      Veterinary Neurology:
      It is a branch of medicine dealing with disorders of the nervous system. Neurology deals with the diagnosis and treatment of all categories of conditions and disease involving the central and peripheral nervous systems (and their subdivisions, the autonomic and somatic nervous systems), including their coverings, blood vessels, and all effector tissue, such as muscle.

      Veterinary Urology:
      Veterinary Urology utilizes several services (internal medicine, surgery, interventional cardiology, advanced imaging, and anesthesiology) to provide the most up-to-date and comprehensive diagnostic capabilities and advanced therapies. 

      Veterinary Nephrology:
      It is the branch of medicine that deals with the physiology and diseases of the kidneys.

      Veterinary Gastroenterology:
      It is the branch of medicine which deals with disorders of the stomach and intestines.

      Veterinary Endocrinology:
      It is the branch of physiology and medicine concerned with endocrine glands and hormones.

      Veterinary Chiropractic:
      Veterinary chiropractic, also known as animal chiropractic, is the practice of spinal manipulation or manual therapy for animals. Veterinary chiropractors typically treat horses, racing greyhounds, and pets. It has become a fast developing field in animal alternative medicine.

      Animal Science Conferences Veterinary Welfare Conferences Veterinary Toxicology Conferences Veterinary Research Meetings Veterinary Seminars 2020 Animal Ecology Conferences Conference on Veterinary Veterinary Medicine Conferences 2020 Animal Research Events USA Animal Physiology Conferences Dairy Farming Conferences Global Veterinary Conferences Veterinary Surgery Conferences Poultry Production Conferences Europe Avian Science Conferences

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      Peers Alley Media: Agriculture, Animals and the Ecosystem

      Agriculture, Animals and the Ecosystem

      Most plants and creatures live in regions with quite certain atmosphere conditions, for example, temperature and precipitation designs, that empower them to flourish. Any adjustment in the atmosphere of a region can influence the plants and creatures living there, just as the cosmetics of the whole biological system. Each plant and creature assumes a job in the biological system (for instance, as a wellspring of nourishment, a predator, a pollinator, a wellspring of haven), so losing one species can influence numerous others.

      Sub Tracks:
      Veterinary Entomology:

      Veterinary entomology is a part of entomology which manages the investigation of parasitic creepy crawlies which transmits infectious and parasitic sicknesses. 

      Bug Pollination: There is no uncertainty that creepy crawly fertilization is an indispensable help for both wild and rural frameworks. Without creepy crawly pollinators, about 33% of the world's harvests would bloom, just to blur and afterward lie infertile. Unmanaged local honey bees give basic fertilization administrations to numerous significant harvests. Numerous vegetable harvests are either reliant on, or produce more significant returns when pollinated by honey bees. 

      •    Insect Ecology 

      •    Insect dispersal 

      •    Insecticide opposition the board 

      •    Plant-Insect Interactions 

      Coral Reefs:

      Coral reefs are made in shallow tropical waters by a great many minor creatures called corals. Every coral makes a skeleton for itself, and after some time, these skeletons develop to make coral reefs, which give living space to bunches of fish and other sea animals. The loss of coral reefs will diminish territories for some other ocean animals, and it will upset the nourishment web that associates all the living things in the sea.

      •    Effect of climate change on animals
      •    How does farming affect plants and animals?
      •    Effect of crops on animals

      Veterinary Conferences 2020 Europe Veterinary Welfare Conferences One Health Conferences Veterinary Workshops Animal Research Meetings International Veterinary Conferences Veterinary Surgery Conferences Veterinary Symposia Animal Science Conferences Dairy Farming Conferences Animal Physiology Conferences Veterinary Technician Conferences Veterinary Conferences International Animal Science Conferences Veterinary Nursing Conferences

      • Max Seats

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      Peers Alley Media: Aquaculture


      Aquaculture, otherwise called aquafarming, is the cultivating of fish, scavangers, molluscs, oceanic plants, green growth, and different living beings. Aquaculture includes developing freshwater and saltwater populaces under controlled conditions, and can be appeared differently in relation to business angling, which is the collecting of wild fish. Mariculture alludes to aquaculture rehearsed in marine conditions and in submerged territories. Specific sorts of aquaculture incorporate fish cultivating, shrimp cultivating, clam cultivating, mariculture, algaculture, (for example, ocean growth cultivating), and the development of elaborate fish.

      Sub Tracks:
      •    Fish farming Equipment
      •    Impacts of Aquaculture systems
      •    Use of Antibiotics in Aquaculture
      •    Offshore Aquaculture
      •    Mariculture

      Veterinary Conferences 2020 Europe Global Veterinary Conferences Animal Ecology Conferences Veterinary Medicine Conferences 2020 Animal Science Workshops Veterinary Symposia Veterinary Surgery Conferences Veterinary Nursing Conferences Veterinary Welfare Conferences Animal Congress Europe Animal Science Conferences Transgenic Animal Conferences Animal Science Conferences 2020 USA Animal Husbandry Conferences Conference on Veterinary

      • Max Seats

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      Peers Alley Media: Veterinary Forensics

      Veterinary Forensics

      In veterinary legal sciences, therapeutic aptitude is utilized to accumulate proof material in common and criminal court cases, just as insurance agency examinations, that include creatures. Veterinary Forensic Sciences is the combination of an expansive range of sciences, including veterinary medication, to give answer to the inquiries of enthusiasm at a courtroom identified with creature misuse. It very well may be utilized to tackle the creature related wrongdoing. Veterinary legal sciences is a ceaseless developing field that holds tremendous open doors for research. As the field turns out to be progressively unmistakable, new zones of specialization will open up; allowing examiners to move toward becoming experts in a single explicit part of veterinary criminology and every one of these will give explore openings. The merging of human and veterinary criminology will consequently profit society, securing individuals and creatures the same.

      Sub Tracks:
      Animal Rehabilitation:
      Animal rehabilitation is a profession involving the treatment and care of sick, injured or orphaned animals with the goal of releasing healed animals back to their natural habitats in the wild. To be released, animals must be able to function in their natural habitats as normal members of their species.  

      •    Animal Cruelty Investigations
      •    Practical Veterinary Forensics 

      Veterinary pharmacology Conferences Veterinary Meetings Veterinary Toxicology Conferences Veterinary Conferences Aquaculture Conferences Veterinary pathology Conferences Animal Physiology Conferences Veterinary Care Conferences Animal Science Conferences 2020 USA Animal Research Meetings Dairy Farming Conferences Veterinary Science Events Animal Science Meetings Camel Science Conferences Animal Ecology Conferences

      • Max Seats

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      Peers Alley Media: Veterinary Nursing

      Veterinary Nursing

      Veterinary nursing is the steady care of creatures accepting treatment inside a veterinary practice. A veterinary medical attendant fills in as an individual from the veterinary group, giving master nursing care to debilitated creatures. Veterinary medical attendants likewise assume a critical job in teaching proprietors on keeping up the strength of their pets. 

      Normal veterinary nursing obligations:

      •    The everyday occupation of a veterinary medical caretaker will differ however duties may incorporate; 

      •    Preparing patients for surgeries 

      •    Providing backing to creatures and their proprietors when activities 

      •    Assisting in the working venue as a scoured veterinary medical attendant 

      •    Carrying out veterinary attendant interviews 

      •    Administering prescriptions and liquid treatment to patients 

      •    Observing and recording patients' essential signs (temperature, heartbeat, breath and torment) 

      •    Applying wraps to wounds and breaks 

      •    Educating creature proprietors on nourishment and protection care and giving essential conduct counsel. 

      •    Assisting during crisis systems 

      •    Carrying out a scope of symptomatic tests in the training research center (e.g blood tests, pee tests) 

      •    Taking radiographs 

      •    Dispensing prescription and exhibit to proprietors how to utilize them 

      •    Supporting and overseeing groups 

      They do specialized work and are talented in attempted a scope of symptomatic tests, therapeutic medications and minor surgeries, under veterinary bearing.

      Sub Tracks:
      •    Animal Care
      •    Applications of Veterinary Nursing
      •    Bioveterinary Science

      Veterinary Medicine Conferences 2020 Veterinary Conferences Animal Research Meetings One Health Conferences Veterinary Surgery Conferences Animal Research Events USA Equine Science Conferences 2020 Animal Science Conferences Animal Health Conferences 2020 Veterinary Biotechnology Conferences Animal Science Workshops Veterinary Care Conferences Global Veterinary Conferences Veterinary Nursing Conferences Veterinary Toxicology Conferences

      • Max Seats

        15 seats

      • Speaker Time

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      Peers Alley Media: Veterinary Physiotherapy

      Veterinary Physiotherapy

      Veterinary physiotherapists work close by veterinary specialists to help lessen torment, improve portability and avoid repeat or damage in creatures. Regular creatures alluded for physiotherapy incorporate ponies and hounds, and these could be friend or working creatures, for example, race steeds and greyhounds. Physiotherapy, otherwise called active recuperation, includes the utilization of explicit non-obtrusive medications (rub, work out, light, heat, cold, power, ultrasound, laser, attractive treatment, hydrotherapy, and so on.) to restore harmed patients. The objective of physiotherapy is to restore the patient to typical capacity as fast as could reasonably be expected, and to reestablish the full scope of development and solidarity to harmed body parts. The fundamental rule of physiotherapy is that the least successful treatment for damage is over the top rest, and that incitement of dissemination through zones recouping from damage advances an ideal rate and level of recuperating.

      Sub Tracks:
      •    Veterinary Hydrotherapy
      •    Small and Large Animal Physiotherapy

      Animal Research Events USA Animal Research Meetings Camel Science Conferences Veterinary Meetings Equine Science Conferences 2020 Veterinary Conferences 2020 Europe Veterinary Toxicology Conferences Veterinary Conferences 2020 Animal Science Conferences 2020 USA Animal Physiology Conferences Veterinary Research Meetings Dairy Farming Conferences Transgenic Animal Conferences Animal Science Conferences 2020 Animal Husbandry Conferences

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      Peers Alley Media: Animal Biotechnology

      Animal Biotechnology

      Animal biotechnology is a part of biotechnology wherein sub-atomic science strategies are utilized to hereditarily design (for example adjust the genome of) creatures so as to improve their appropriateness for pharmaceutical, rural or mechanical applications. Creature biotechnology has been utilized to deliver hereditarily changed creatures that orchestrate restorative proteins, have improved development rates or are impervious to illness. Creature biotechnology is the utilization of science and building to change living beings. The objective is to make items, to improve creatures and to create microorganisms for explicit rural employments. Instances of creature biotechnology incorporate making transgenic (creatures with at least one qualities presented by human intercession), utilizing quality thump out innovation to make creatures with a particular inactivated quality and delivering almost indistinguishable creatures by substantial cell atomic exchange (or cloning). 

      Sub Tracks:
      Animal Cloning & Transgenic Animals:
      It is simply another form of assisted reproduction. Cloning allows livestock breeders to create an exact genetic copy of an existing animal, essentially an identical twin. Clones are superior breeding animals used to produce healthier offspring.

      Veterinary Microbiology and Microbial Diseases:

      Veterinary Microbiology is worried about microbial (bacterial, parasitic, viral) sicknesses of tamed vertebrate creatures (domesticated animals, friend creatures, hide bearing creatures, game, poultry, however barring fish) that supply nourishment, other valuable items or friendship. Furthermore, Microbial ailments of wild creatures living in bondage, or as individuals from the non domesticated fauna will likewise be considered if the diseases are of intrigue on account of their interrelation with people (zoonoses) or potentially residential creatures.

      •    Veterinary Biochemistry
      •    Regulations of Animal Biotechnology
      •    Animal Synthetic Biotechnology

      Animal Health Conferences 2020 Veterinary Seminars 2020 Animal Research Meetings Veterinary Workshops Veterinary Care Conferences Conference on Animal Sciences Dairy Farming Conferences One Health Conferences Veterinary Meetings Animal Science Events Veterinary Symposia Veterinary pathology Conferences Camel Science Conferences Poultry Production Conferences Europe Animal Science Workshops

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      Peers Alley Media: Mobile Veterinary Clinic

      Mobile Veterinary Clinic

      Portable veterinary facilities have turned out to be progressively prominent as of late, and numerous veterinarians are beginning versatile practices that use uncommonly furnished vans to visit their customers. This sort of administration varies from conventional private practice, where pet proprietors carry their creatures to a physical area for meetings with a veterinarian. The portable choice decreases pressure drastically for creatures since they don't need to make a trip to the vet office, which can regularly be an awful accident for pets. It likewise diminishes weight on their proprietors.

      Sub Tracks:
      Veterinary care & Management:

      Veterinary consideration and the board is typically driven by a veterinary doctor (normally called a vet, veterinary specialist or veterinarian). Most vets work in clinical settings, treating creatures straightforwardly. These vets might be associated with a general work on, treating creatures of various kinds; might be spent significant time in a particular gathering of creatures, for example, partner creatures, domesticated animals, research center creatures, zoo creatures or steeds; or may spend significant time in a limited restorative control, for example, medical procedure, dermatology, lab creature drug, or inward medication.

      Emergency Animal Treatments:

      Regular a huge number of pets require crisis treatment. Regardless of whether this is expected to being hit by a vehicle, being 'debilitated' or other medicinal issue, the evaluated 160 million family unit pets living in America are potential patients that will make that startling outing to the creature emergency clinic. Holding on to think about these creatures are uncommonly prepared Emergency Veterinarians – devoted to giving master, crisis medicinal consideration nonstop. 

      The Emergency Veterinarian is an expert that gives medicinal consideration to creature patients at Animal Hospitals and Emergency Clinics. They treat a few ailments including:
      •    Acute illness
      •    Neurological medical conditions
      •    Renal medical problems
      •    Medical Trauma
      •    Post-Operative complications

      Animal First Aid:
      Pet emergency treatment alludes to crisis treatment controlled to a harmed or wiped out local creature before expert restorative consideration is accessible. A great part of the First Aid controlled to pets is like that managed to people, yet with some unmistakable contrasts, explicitly when alluding to their life systems, and their failure to speak with people what's up.

      Equine Science Conferences 2020 Animal Science Meetings Aquaculture Conferences Animal Research Meetings Animal Physiology Conferences Veterinary Symposia One Health Conferences Zoonosis Conferences Transgenic Animal Conferences Animal Welfare Conferences 2020 Veterinary Biotechnology Conferences Poultry Production Conferences Europe Dairy Farming Conferences Animal Science Workshops Animal Science Conferences

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      Peers Alley Media: Animal Models and Testing

      Animal Models and Testing

      Creature testing, otherwise called creature experimentation, creature look into and in vivo testing, is the utilization of non-human creatures in investigations that try to control the factors that influence the conduct or natural framework under examination. The focal point of creature testing differs on a continuum from unadulterated research, concentrating on creating crucial learning of a life form, to applied research, which may concentrate on responding to some question of incredible handy significance, for example, finding a solution for a malady. In the European Union, vertebrate species speak to 93% of creatures utilized in research, and 11.5 million creatures were utilized there in 2011. By one gauge the quantity of mice and rodents utilized in the United States alone in 2001 was 80 million. Mice, rodents, fish, creatures of land and water and reptiles together record for over 85% of research creatures.

      Sub Tracks:
      Animal Cosmetic Testing:
      Cosmetic testing on animals is a type of animal testing used to test the safety and hypoallergenic properties of products for use by humans. Due to the harm done to the animal subjects, this testing is opposed by animal rights activists and others.

      •    Clinical Veterinary Research
      •    Chemical Toxicology Testing
      •    Animal Testing Laws

      Veterinary Conferences Animal Science Meetings Transgenic Animal Conferences Veterinary Conferences 2020 International Veterinary Conferences Animal Research Meetings Animal Congress Europe Veterinary Technician Conferences International Animal Science Conferences Veterinary Medicine Conferences 2020 Livestock Conferences Veterinary pharmacology Conferences Veterinary Nursing Conferences Veterinary pathology Conferences Global Veterinary Conferences

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      Peers Alley Media: Veterinary Vaccines and Immunology

      Veterinary Vaccines and Immunology

      Veterinary immunology is the investigation of all parts of safe framework in creatures. It is a branch under biomedical science and identified with zoology and veterinary sciences. Interests incorporate glitches and clutters, yet additionally wellbeing, of the invulnerable framework in creatures. It is keen on how the resistant framework functions, how immunizations forestall sickness and why antibodies here and there don't work and cause unfriendly responses. Veterinary immunizations are a significant bolt in the bunch of the veterinarian and are seemingly one of the most amazing assets in keeping creatures sound and well.

      Sub Tracks:
      Veterinary Virology:

      It is the study of viruses in non-human animals. It is an important branch of veterinary medicine. Animal viruses are viruses that infect animals. Viruses infect all cellular life and although viruses infect every animal, plant and protist species, each has its own specific range of viruses that often infect only that species. 

      Veterinary Parasitology:
      Veterinary parasitology is the study of animal parasites, especially relationships between parasites and animal hosts. Parasites of domestic animals,(livestock and pet animals), as well as wildlife animals are considered. Veterinary parasitologists study the genesis and development of parasitoses in animal hosts, as well as the taxonomy and systematics of parasites, including the morphology, life cycles, and living needs of parasites in the environment and in animal hosts. Using a variety of research methods, they diagnose, treat, and prevent animal parasitoses. Data obtained from parasitological research in animals helps in veterinary practice and improves animal breeding. The major goal of veterinary parasitology is to protect animals and improve their health, but because a number of animal parasites are transmitted to humans, veterinary parasitology is also important for public health.

      Animal Hematology:
      Veterinary hematology is incredibly interesting, because there are marked species differences in hematopoietic cells. For instance, birds, amphibians and reptiles have nucleated erythrocytes and platelets (called thrombocytes), which makes assessment of their blood far more challenging than those of mammals. Species also demonstrate marked variability in the size of their erythrocytes, ranging from cells as small as 19 FL in sheep to as large as 120 FL in elephants. There is less variability in leukocytes and platelets in mammals, but different species do have unique responses to inflammation or immune challenge. Since animals cannot speak for themselves, we use their blood as a window into their bodies.

      Animal Research Events USA Poultry Production Conferences Europe Veterinary Nursing Conferences Animal Ecology Conferences Conference on Animal Sciences Animal Science Conferences 2020 USA Transgenic Animal Conferences Zoonosis Conferences Animal Science Meetings Animal Husbandry Conferences Animal Health Conferences 2020 Veterinary Symposia Veterinary Biotechnology Conferences Animal Welfare Conferences 2020 Veterinary Technician Conferences

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      Peers Alley Media: Preventive Healthcare and Club

      Preventive Healthcare and Club

      Preventive pet social insurance incorporates a few methodologies that fuse veterinary evaluation of pet's general prosperity and other therapeutic issues. Thinking about the revelations, veterinarian will give recommendations for pet's sustenance, dental consideration, immunizations and heart worm/bug/tick expectation, and proposition especially custom fitted to pet's prosperity status and risk factors. Pet Health Club isn't security. Or on the other hand perhaps it fuses the standard things – like vaccinations, bug, worm and parasite prescriptions, prosperity checks and direction all in a straightforward consistently booked portion structure. Notwithstanding whether your pet is young or old, our Pet Health Club is proposed to conform to their necessities, from most punctual stages through adulthood to the senior years. The Pet Health Club makes it easy to verify your pet and your family against preventable contaminations and uneasiness by ensuring your pet's vaccinations, parasite control and general prosperity.

      Sub Tracks:
      •    Preventive measures
      •    Regular Health checkup

      Animal Science Events Veterinary Toxicology Conferences Animal Ecology Conferences Animal Physiology Conferences Animal Research Events USA Equine Science Conferences 2020 Veterinary Symposia Veterinary Seminars 2020 Animal Science Symposia Veterinary Workshops Veterinary Welfare Conferences Dairy Farming Conferences Veterinary Technician Conferences Animal Science Conferences Animal Welfare Conferences 2020

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      Peers Alley Media: One Health

      One Health

      One Health is a way to deal with planning and actualizing programs, approaches, enactment and research in which different segments convey and cooperate to accomplish better general wellbeing results. The territories of work wherein a One Health approach is especially pertinent incorporate sanitation, the control of zoonoses (infections that can spread among creatures and people, for example, influenza, rabies and Rift Valley Fever), and combatting anti-microbial obstruction (when microscopic organisms change subsequent to being presented to anti-infection agents and become progressively hard to treat).

      Sub Tracks:

      Zoological drug alludes to the claim to fame of veterinary prescription that tends to the consideration of hostage zoo creatures, free extending untamed life species, oceanic creatures, flying creatures, reptiles and creatures of land and water, and incorporates non-local buddy creatures (or fascinating pets). Zoological drug consolidates standards of biology, untamed life protection, and veterinary medication, and applies them to wild creatures in characteristic and fake conditions.

      •    Evolution of One Health
      •    Concept and applications of One Health

      Animal Science Symposia Veterinary Conferences 2020 Global Veterinary Conferences Camel Science Conferences Veterinary Seminars 2020 Veterinary Meetings Animal Health Conferences 2020 Equine Science Conferences 2020 Veterinary Research Meetings Veterinary Workshops Zoonosis Conferences Avian Science Conferences Poultry Production Conferences Europe Animal Research Events USA Veterinary Surgery Conferences

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      Peers Alley Media: Veterinary Stem Cell Therapy

      Veterinary Stem Cell Therapy

      A foundational microorganism is a clear record that can turn out to be any kind of cell, with the possibility to recover tissue in a piece of the body where sickness has harmed it and made it lose work. Pet undeveloped cell treatment uses foundational microorganisms from the bone marrow, umbilical string blood, or fat of either your pet or another creature of similar species. A veterinarian infuses the undeveloped cells into the sick zone, for example, a knee joint harmed by osteoarthritis. The cells move to the aggravated or harmed tissue, smother the irritation, diminish agony, and cause new tissue to develop. This new tissue is more similar to the first tissue than the scar tissue that would regularly develop in an untreated aggravated region.

      Sub Tracks:
      •    Advances in use of Stem cells
      •    Regenerative Stem cell Therapy

      Animal Husbandry Conferences Animal Health Conferences 2020 Avian Science Conferences Veterinary Conferences 2020 Europe One Health Conferences Livestock Conferences Veterinary Toxicology Conferences Animal Ecology Conferences Veterinary Care Conferences Animal Research Events USA Conference on Veterinary Veterinary pharmacology Conferences Animal Science Meetings Conference on Animal Sciences Animal Congress Europe

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      Scope & Importance

      Target Audience:
      Veterinarians | Veterinary Clinic Teams | Veterinary Specialists | Veterinary Academicians | Research Scholars | Veterinary Technicians | Veterinary Professionals and Students | Veterinary Nurse | Veterinary Organization members | Veterinary Societies | Veterinary Associations | Animal Health Companies | Manufacturing Companies | Animal Trainers | Drug Development Companies | Animal Equipment Handling members

      Current Trends:
      As per the reports by Freedonia, in US, consumers are spending on domestic animals is forecast to reach $33 billion in 2014 and the pet health product demand at the manufacturer level is expected to rise almost 6% yearly to reach $5.5 billion in 2014.
      According to IVA, the Veterinary Services industry is in the growth phase of its life cycle. The industry's contribution to the US economy is forecast to increase at an average annual rate of 3.9% during the 10 years to 2017.

      Growth and Revenue of Veterinary Industry:
      Growth in the global veterinary industry is mainly because of increased pet ownership, awareness of animal health issues, demand for animal related products and the availability of advanced surgical and diagnostic procedures. There are various technologies involved in veterinary medicine. Nowadays, animal health product such as metabolic drugs, anti-infective, reproductive aids, feed additives, vaccines, imaging diagnostics, topical solutions and parasite controls are becoming more popular.
      In animal hospitals and clinics, the doctors treat injuries and disease of animals, but get most of the revenue from animal health procedures such as neutering and spaying, vaccinations, and regular checkups. A few animal hospitals also bathe, groom, board, and provide testing services to domestic animals such as dogs, cat, horses etc. Routine examinations and non-surgical treatments each account for about 25 % of industry revenue; surgical procedures and lab services, about 15 %. Sales of pet food, vitamins, and accessories account for about 10 %.

      Market Overview:
      The veterinary services market was valued at USD 94.14 billion in 2018, and it is estimated to be valued at USD 138.66 billion in 2024, while witnessing a CAGR of 6.67% over the forecast period of 2019-2024. Increase in animal adoption, rise in prevalence of animal diseases, better animal health awareness, and increase in R&D and government initiatives are the key factors propelling the growth of the market, globally.
      A significant rise in the adoption of pet animals, including dogs, cats, and even horses, as companions for human beings, has been observed over the recent years. Moreover, farm animals, including cattle and swine, have also been taken in for various commercial purposes in the recent years. The developed countries represent a significantly large share in companion animal-ownership, owing to the favorable economic condition and several other factors. This rise in both companion, as well as livestock animal adoption, along with the increased per capita animal health expenditure, indirectly generates an increase in the demand for proper veterinary services. In addition to the aforementioned factor, the rise in prevalence of various animal diseases, growth in animal health awareness, and increase in R&D and government initiatives are expected to propel the market growth, over the forecast period.

      Veterinarians are very important people in our society. The reason they are important is because they save many animals' lives every day. They are not only heroes to animals, but they are also heroes to people, too. They help people understand what to do to help the animals. They help an animal's owner understand what is wrong with the animal.

      Veterinary Universities:

      University of Bristol | University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna |  University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Brno | Glasgow University | Liverpool University | Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences | Warsaw University of Life Sciences | Trakia University | University of Teramo | Estonian University of Life Sciences | University of Forestry, Sofia | University of Veterinary Medicine Hanover | University of Life Sciences in Lublin | Royal Veterinary College | University of Cambridge | The University of Edinburgh | Utrecht University | The university of Copenhagen | University of Liverpool | Wageningen University | University of Glasgow | Ghent University | University of Copenhagen | University of Bristol | Freie University  Berlin | University of Nottingham  | University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna | University of Naples

      Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine | Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine | University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine | University of California | Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences | North Carolina State University | Tufts University | Colorado State University | Kansas State University | Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine | North Carolina State University College of Veterinary Medicine | Western University College of Veterinary Medicine | University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine | Washington State University | Ross University | Michigan State University College of Veterinary Medicine | St. George's University | Tuskegee University | Norwegian School of Veterinary Science | Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine | University of Guelph | Glasgow University | Ontario Veterinary College | University of Sydney | Liverpool University

      Nanyang Technological University | National University of Singapore | The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology | The University of Tokyo | Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine | Kasetsart University | Lala Lajpat Rai University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences | University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences-Lahore | Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University | Rakuno Gakuen University | King Faisal University | Chonbuk National University | Chonnam National University | Chungbuk National University | Chungnam National University | Gyeongsang National University | Jeju National University | Kangwon National University | Konkuk University College of Veterinary Medicine | Kyungpook National University | Seoul National University | Adnan Menderes University | Atatürk University | Centennial University | Cumhuriyet University | Dicle University | Erciyes University | Harran University | Kafkas University

      University of Cape Town | University of Pretoria | Zagazig University | University of Agriculture, Makurdi | José Eduardo dos Santos University | University of Nairobi | Agronomic and Veterinary Institute Hassan II | Ahmadu Bello University Zaria | Federal University of Agriculture | Michael Okpara University of Agriculture | University of Abuja | University of Ibadan | University of Ilorin | University of Maiduguri | University of Nigeria Nsukka | Usman Fodio University | Sudan University of Science and Technology College of Veterinary Medicine | University of Albutana | University of Bahri | University of Gezira | University of Khartoum | University of Nyala | University of West Kordofan | Higher National Veterinary School | Saad Dahlab University of Blida | University of Batna | University of Ibn Khaldoun | University of Mentouri – Constantine | University of Taref | Alexandria University | Assiut University | Benha University | Beni-Suef University | Cairo University | Damanhour University | Kafr El-Sheikh University | Mansoura University | Menoufia University | Minia University | Sohag University | South Valley University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine | Suez Canal University

      Veterinary Societies:

      Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care International | Association of Avian Veterinarians | Belgian Veterinary Computer Association | Cat Fancier's Association | Center for the Integrative Study of Animal Behavior | Computer-aided Learning in Veterinary Education | District of Columbia Veterinary Medical Association | Netherlands Organization for Agricultural Research | European Centre for the Validation of Alternative Methods | European College of Veterinary Internal Medicine - Companion Animals | Elephant Manager's Association | Entomological Society of America | European Society of Feline Medicine | European Veterinary Libraries Group | Finnish Laboratory Animal Scientists | Indiana Veterinary Medical Association | Illinois State Veterinary Medical Association | Irish Veterinary Association | Royal Netherlands Veterinary Association | National Association of Animal Breeders | Primate Society of Great Britain | South African Society of Animal Science | Finnish Veterinary Association | Glasgow University Veterinary Zoological Society | Goat Veterinary Society | Human Animal Bond Association | Federation of Veterinarians of Europe | Irish Veterinary Acupuncture Society | Israel Veterinary Medicine Association | Association of Veterinary Anaesthetists | British Veterinary Association | Association for Applied Animal Andrology Biennial Meetings | American Association of Equine Practitioners Annual Convention | American Association of Feline Practitioners Practice Guidelines | American Association of Veterinary Anatomists Annual Meetings | American Academy of Veterinary Pharmacology & Therapeutics Biennal Symposium | European Advisory Board on Cat Diseases Guidelines | American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine Consensus Statements | American College of Veterinary Pathologists and of the American Society for Veterinary Clinical Pathology Annual Meetings | American College of Veterinary Radiology Annual Meetings | Association Européenne de Transfert Embryonnaire | Animal Heartworm Society | Association of Institutions for Tropical Veterinary Medicine International Conferences | Asociación Mexicana de Médicos Veterinarios Especialistas en Pequeñas Especies | American Society of Mammalogists | Association des Vétérinaires Équins Français | Belgian Equine Practitioners Society Study Days | British Equine Veterinary Association | British Mastitis Conference | British Veterinary Nursing Association Congress | European Association of Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging | European Association of Zoo and Wildlife Veterinarians Biannual Meetings | Sociedad Ecuatoriana de Emergencias y Cuidados Criticos Veterinarios | European College of Veterinary Surgeons | European Society of Dirofilariosis and Angiostrongylosis | European Veterinary Conference – Voorjaarsdagen | European Equine Health and Nutrition Congress | European Society of Veterinary Orthopaedics and Traumatology Annual Congress | European Veterinary Dental Society Congress | European Veterinary Society for Small Animal Reproduction Congress | European Zoo Nutrition Centre Biannual Conference | International Association for Paratuberculosis Colloquium | Animal Health Information Specialists International Conferences | International Congress on Yak | International Conference on Equine Exercise Physiology | International Conference on Lameness in Ruminants | International Pig Veterinary Society Congress | International Symposium on Canine and Feline Reproduction | International Symposium on Equine Reproduction | International Society of Camelid Research and Development Conference | Latin American Veterinary Conference | Sociedad Latinoamericana de Medicina Veterinaria de Emergencia y Cuidados Intensivos | North American Veterinary Community Conference | Northeastern Conferences on Avian Diseases | Società Culturale Italiana Veterinari per Animali da Compagnia Congress | Southern European Veterinary Conference | Society for Theriogenology | Società Italiana delle Scienze Veterinarie Conference | Italian Association of Equine Veterinarians Annual Congress | Veterinary Orthopedic Society | Western Dairy Management Conferences | World Association for Buiatrics Congress | World Equine Airways Society Symposium | World Equine Veterinary Association Congress | World Small Animal Veterinary Association Annual Congress

      USA and Canada:
      American Association for the Advancement of Science | American Association of Equine Practitioners | American Association of Food Hygiene Veterinarians | American Animal Hospital Association | American Association for Laboratory Animal Science | American Association of Public Health Veterinarians | American Association of Small Ruminant Practitioners | Pan American Health Organization | Alabama Veterinary Medical Association | Amercian Society of Animal Science | American Academy of Veterinary Acupuncture | American Academy of Veterinary Informatics | American Academy of Veterinary Medical Acupuncture | American Academy of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics | American Animal Hospital Association | American Animal Hospital Association | American Association for Laboratory Animal Science | American Association of Bovine Practitioners | American Association Of Feline Practitioners | American Association of Small Ruminant Practitioners | American Association of Swine Veterinarians | American Association of Veterinary Anatomists | American Association of Veterinary Immunologists | American Association of Veterinary Medical Colleges | American Association of Veterinary Parasitologists | American Association of Veterinary State Boards | American Association of Wildlife Veterinarians | American Board of Veterinary Practitioners | American Board of Veterinary Toxicology | American Canine Sports Medicine Association | American College of Laboratory Animal Medicine | American College of Veterinary Clinical Pharmacology | American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine | American College of Veterinary Microbiologists | American College Of Veterinary Nutrition | American College of Veterinary Pathologists | American College of Veterinary Preventive Medicine | American College of Veterinary Radiology | American College of Veterinary Surgeons | American Fancy Rat and Mouse Association | American Ferret Association | American Lyme Disease Foundation | American Society of Laboratory Animal Practitioners | American Society of Mammalogists | American Society of Primatologists | American Society of Veterinary Ophthalmology | American Veterinary Medical Association | American Veterinary Medical Foundation | American Veterinary Medical Law Association | American Zoo and Aquarium Association | Animal Agriculture Alliance | Animal Behavior Society | Arkansas Veterinary Medical Association | Association for Veterinary Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics | Association for Veterinary Informatics | Association for Veterinary Informatics | Association of Avian Veterinarians | Association of Exotic Mammal Veterinarians | Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors | Association of Reptilian and Amphibian Veterinarians | Association of Shelter Veterinarians | Association Of Veterinary Hematology And Transfusion Medicine | Australian Veterinary Association | British Equine Veterinary Association | British Veterinary Association | California Veterinary Medical Association | Colorado Veterinary Medical Association | Conference of Research Workers in Animal Diseases | Delaware Veterinary Medical Association | El Paso Veterinary Medical Association | The American Academy on Veterinary Disaster Medicine | The American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists | The British Veterinary Zoological Society | The International Renal Interest Society | New Jersey Veterinary Medical Association | New Zealand Veterinary Association | North American Veterinary Conference | North American Veterinary Licensing Examination | North Carolina Veterinary Medical Association | Illinois State Veterinary Medical Association | Indiana Veterinary Medical Association | International Academy of Compounding Pharmacists | International Association for Aquatic Animal Medicine | International Veterinary Information Service | Kansas Veterinary Medical Association | Louisiana Veterinary Medical Association | Maryland Veterinary Medical Association | Massachusetts Veterinary Medical Association | Minnesota Veterinary Medical Association | Missouri Veterinary Medical Association | Montana Veterinary Medical Association | Ohio Veterinary Medical Association | Ontario Veterinary Medical Association | Society for Tropical Veterinary Medicine | Society of Practising Veterinary Surgeons | Society of Veterinary Hospital Pharmacists | South Carolina Association of Veterinarians | Student Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society | The National Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners | United States Animal Health Association | Veterinary Emergency Critical Care Society | Vétérinaires sans frontières | Veterinary Association for Arbitration and Jurisprudence | Veterinary Cancer Society | Veterinary Council of New Zealand | Veterinary Hospital Managers Association | Virginia Veterinary Medical Association | West Virginia Veterinary Medical Association | Western Veterinary Conference | Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association | World Small Animal Veterinary Association | World Veterinary Association | Wound Management Society

      Iran Veterinary Organization | Nepal Veterinary Association | Perhimpunan Dokter Hewan Indonesia | Chinese Society of Veterinary Science | Indonesian Veterinary Association | Japan Veterinary Medical Association | Korean Veterinary Medical Association | Veterinary Association of Malaysia | Philippines Veterinary Medical Association | Bangladesh Veterinary Association | Indian Veterinary Association | Pakistan Veterinary Medical Association | Singapore Veterinary Association | Sri Lanka Veterinary Association | Thai Veterinary Medical Association under The Royal Patronage

      Veterinary Companies:

      Zoetis | Merck Animal Health | Eli Lilly’s Elanco | Sanofi’s Merial | Bayer Animal Health | Vetoquinol S.A | Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica | IDEXX Laboratories | Ceva Santé Animale | Virbac S.A | Accord | Novo Nordisk | AstraZeneca | Teva Pharmaceutical Industries | GlaxoSmithKline | Sanofi | Novartis | Roche | Bayer | Rexmed Industries Co, Ltd | Farmavet International Co | Agrovet Market Animal Health | Brilliant Bio Pharma Limited | China Shenghua Group Agrochemical Company | Falcon Surgical Co (Pvt) Ltd | Biomedical Lab Center, Inc | Zardband Pharmaceuticals | Interchemie | Medex Instruments Co | Golden Star Surgical Industries Pvt Ltd | Qiankun Veterinary Pharmaceutical Ltd | Ashish Life Science Pvt Ltd | Snaa Industries

      Abbot Laboratories Animal Health | ACell Vet Inc | Addison Biological Laboratory, Inc | Agrovet Market Animal Health | B.E.T. Labs | Banfield | Bayer | Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica GmbH | Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica Ltd | Buck Mountain Botanicals, Inc | CEVA Sante Animale | Delmont Laboratories, Inc | Dermapet Inc | Diamondback Drugs | Dr. Shipp`s Laboratories | Dunlop`s Veterinary Supplies | EQUI PHARM S.R.L | Figuerola Laboratories | Fleabusters Rx for Fleas | Fort Dodge Animal Health | Hanford Pharmaceuticals | Henry Schein Inc | Heska Coporation | Innovet Italia S.r.l | Intervet, Inc | Ivesco | Janssen Animal Health | Lilly Corporate Center | Macleod Pharmaceuticals, Inc | Making Waves Inc | Martingale Pharm LLC | Meds For Vets | Merial Ltd | Merrit Veterinary Supplies | Midland Bio Products Corp. | Monument Pharmacy | Nelco Vet Inc. | NLS Animal Health | Novartis Animal Health | PCI Animal Health | Pet Health Pharmacy | Pfizer Animal Health | Pharmaderm Veterinary |  Phoenix Scientific Inc. | Premier Pharmacy Labs Inc. | Professional Compounding Center At Kaye`s Pharmacy | Professional Veterinary Products | RX Vitamins, Inc. | Spectrum Labs, Inc. | The Columbus Serum Company | Thorne Research, Inc. | Triad Specialty Products | Vet-A-Mix/Lloyd Laboratories | Veterinary Pharmacies of America | Veterinary Products Laboratories | Virbac Animal Health

      Asia Animal Pharmaceutical Co. LTD | Asia Animal Pharmaceutical Company Limited | Veterco Vietnam Limited | Veterco Company Limited | Can Tho Veterinary Medicine Company Limited | Central Veterinary Medicine JSC No5 | Anvet Company., Ltd | Vemedim Corporation | National Veterinary Medicine JSC No. 5 | Anova Joint Venture Company | Tescos Life Care (P) Ltd. | Bobby Export House | Noven Life Sciences Pvt. Limited | Enlac Laboratories | M.D. Homoeo Lab. Pvt. Ltd. | Kara Exports Pvt. Ltd | Baader Schulz Laboratories | Relife Pharmaceuticals | Brihans Laboratories Pvt. Ltd | Farmakon Nutrivet Pvt Ltd. | Ikshvaku Solutions Private Limited | M/S Zenith Remedies Private Limited | Jeev Health Care Private Limited | Bomac Vets Plus India Pvt Ltd. | Farmakon Nutrivet

      Middle East:
      Abbott Laboratories | Aburaihan Pharmaceutical Company | Aestus Pharmaceuticals Corp. | Alembic Limited | Alfredo Pablo Moro | ALK Sverige AB | Almirall | Alpha RX | ALTANA Pharma | Alza Corporation | Amgen | Amic Laboratories Ltd | Amson Vaccines and Pharma, Pvt Ltd | Antisoma | Apical Pharmaceutical Corporation | AstraZeneca International | Aventis | Bakhtar Bioshimi Pharmaceutical Company | Balsam Pharma Pvt. Ltd. | Barakat Pharmaceutical Industries - Syria | Barr Laboratories, Inc. | BASF | Bayer Pharmaceutical | Bedson S.A. | BeiQi Chemicals Co., Ltd. | Belco Pharma | Benzochem Lifesciences Pty Ltd | Berlex Laboratories, Inc. | Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd | Bharat serums and Vaccines Ltd. | Bilim Pharmaceuticals | Blansett Pharmacal | Blenheim Pharmacal, Inc. | Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc. | Bosnalijek d.d. Pharmaceuticals | Bristol-Myers Squibb Company | Cadila Pharmaceuticals Ltd | CALYX | Celogen Pharma Pvt.Limited | Century Pharmaceuticals Limited | Chandra Bhagat Pharma Pvt.Ltd. | Changzhou Siyao Pharmaceuticals | Chemical Diversity Labs, Inc. | China Greatvista Chemicals | Ciba Speciality Chemicals | CIPAN-Companhia Industrial Productora de Antibioticos | Cipla Pharmaceutical | Ciprod Pharm Ltd | Ciron Drugs & Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd. | Claris Lifesciences Limited | Covalent Laboratories Private Limited | CPL Inc. | CSL Limited. Glaxo SmithKline | Global Pharmaeuticals | Granard Pharmaceutical Sales & Marketing, LLC

      Veterinary Jobs:

      Doctoral student or Post-doctoral researcher | Doctor-assistant - Animal Sciences and Aquatic Ecology | Veterinary Nutritionist & Project Manager | One Year Postdoctoral Solidarity Fellowship for Researchers at Risk | Associate Professor in Zootechnics | National University of Ireland Doctoral and Post-Doctoral Funding Opportunities | Associate Professor in Animal Nutrition and Poultry Production | University Teacher of Veterinary Medicine at Institute of Food Safety, Feed and Environment

      Territory Manager | SEA LIFE Internship | Sales Manager (Animal Nutrition) - Central/Western USA | Research Assistant | Laboratory Generalist | Assistant Laboratory Technician | Junior Specialist - DePeters Lab | Animal Nutrition Center Manager | Animal Care Trainee | Field Service Representative | Principal Scientist - Intensive Livestock and Food Safety | Veterinarian | Director - Australian Animal Health Laboratory | APS6 Senior Assessor, Animal based product Imports | Laboratory Animal Technician/Manager

      Senior Biometrician Consultant | Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Intellectual Property & Food Security | Research Officer - School of Agriculture and Food Sciences | Veterinarian (Small Animal) | Small Animal Internal Medicine Specialist | Manager / Executive Manager (Investigation) | Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor in Veterinary Medicine | Veterinary Receptionist | Lecturer/Senior Lecturer, Veterinary Anaesthetist | Support Service Technician, Lab Animal Science Center | Animal Technician | Veterinary Technician | Clinical Instructor, Small Animal Internal Medicine | Business Development Manager | Vet Nurses | Clinician in Small Animal Soft Tissue Surgery | Clinician in Veterinary OncologyProfessor or Senior Clinician/Clinician in Veterinary Cardiorespiratory Medicine | Postdoctoral ResearcherInternship In Equine Medicine and Surgery | Resident in Small Animal Dermatology Grade 6 | Lecturer in Veterinary Public Health | Programme Manager in Animal Management | Bank Staff Lecturer in Dog Grooming | Animal, keeper Jobs in Singapore, Job Vacancies | Junior Animal Nutrition Assistant

      Veterinary Journals:
      Journal of the American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association | Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia | Applied Animal Behaviour Science | Veterinary Technician | ATLA Alternatives to laboratory animals | Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science | Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery | Veterinary Economics | Journal of Veterinary Cardiology |  Journal of Veterinary Dentistry | Veterinary Dermatology | Journal of Veterinary Medical Education | Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care | Domestic Animal Endocrinology | Equine Veterinary Journal | Veterinary Clinics of North America: Food Animal Practice | Animal Genetics | Historia Medicinae Veterinariae | Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association | Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology | Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition | Veterinary and Comparative Oncology | Veterinary Parasitology | Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation | Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics | Preventive Veterinary Medicine | Veterinary Radiology and Ultrasound | American Journal of Veterinary Research | Veterinary Clinics of North America: Small Animal Practice | Veterinary Surgery |  Journal of Wildlife Diseases | Japanese Journal of Veterinary Research | Medical and Veterinary Entomology | Medycyna Weterynaryjna | Small Ruminant Research | Society and Animals | Veterinaria | Veterinaria italiana | Veterinary and Comparative Oncology | Tropical Animal Health and Production | Veterinary Medicine | Veterinary Journal | Veterinary Microbiology | Veterinary Pathology | Bulletin of the Veterinary Institute in Pulawy | Domestic Animal Endocrinology | International Journal of Dairy Science | Journal of Applied Animal Research | Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association | Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine | Livestock Science | Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research | Polish Journal of Veterinary Sciences | Laboratory Animals | Lab Animal | Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics | Journal of Veterinary Parasitology | Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association | Journal of Medical Primatology | Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine | Journal of Equine Veterinary Science | Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition | Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances | Journal of Applied Animal Research | Veterinary Quarterly | Israel Journal of Veterinary Medicine | Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery | Human and Veterinary Medicine | International Journal of Poultry Science | Journal of Swine Health and Production | Global Veterinaria | Acta Veterinaria Brno | Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research | Acta Scientiae Veterinariae | Acta Veterinaria | Journal of Wildlife Rehabilitation | Canadian Journal of Animal Science | Canadian Journal of Veterinary Research | Journal of Small Animal Practice | Canadian Veterinary Journal | Canadian Journal of Veterinary Research | Journal of Veterinary Science & Technology | Research & Reviews: Research Journal of Biology | Journal of Animal Research and Nutrition | Journal of Veterinary Science & Medical Diagnosis | Virology & Antiviral Research | Journal of Vaccines & Clinical Trials | Research & Reviews: Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology | Research & Reviews: Journal of Zoological Sciences | Research & Reviews: Journal of Food and Dairy Technology | Journal of Veterinary Medicine and Allied Science | Research & Reviews: Journal of Veterinary Sciences | Journal of Animal Health and Behavioural Science | Transboundary and Emerging Diseases | Medical and Veterinary Entomology | Veterinary Research | Veterinary and Comparative Oncology | Fish and Shellfish Immunology | Veterinary Microbiology | Veterinary Parasitology | ILAR Journal | Equine Veterinary Journal | Zoonoses and Public Health

      Veterinary Products:
      Veterinary Gloves | Veterinary Powder | Veterinary Spray | Animal Weighing Scale | Veterinary Syringe | Veterinary Liver Tonic | Veterinary Thermometer | Veterinary Plastic Bottle | Veterinary Hematology Analyzer | Veterinary Liquid Calcium | Mastitis Control Kit | Ticks Soaps | Animal Feed Biotin-H 500 Ml | Milk Booster For Animal | Liyamisol | Cvs 282 Teat Syphon Ordinary | Dog Protein Supplements | Ceftriaxone 500 Mg Injection | Cow Mat | Veterinary Spray | Cattle Stomach Cleaner | Veterinary Digital Thermometer | Bayer Advantage Ii Flea Control Treatment For Cats | Tetramisole Veterinary Products | Vat Stamina | Animal Injector | Veterinary Anesthesia Mask

      Veterinary Hospitals:

      Veterinary Clinic Europe | Veterinary Clinic Sycamore | Clinique Vétérinaire du Dr Vet Baumgartner | Nantwich Farm Vets | APH Veterinary Hospital | Vet-tech Solutions | Roots Vet Dental Supplies Ltd | Panvet Veteriner Klinigi | Veterinary clinic Sarrazin Requena etBodin | Cabinet Vétérinaire VetoAccess Brest | Clinique Vétérinaire du Haut-Vivarais | Clinique vétérinaire GAUVERT | Veterinary Clinic Coupvray | Veterinary Medical Center Europe | Clinique Vétérinaire Coubertin | Langford Vets Small Animal Referral Hospital | Queen Mother Hospital for Small Animals | MedVets Veterinary Clinic | Acorn House Veterinary Hospital | Scott Veterinary Clinic Ltd | Center Of Hope Veterinary Hospital | Langford Vets Equine Referral Hospital | Cedar Grove Veterinary Clinic | Great Western Exotic Vets

      The Drake Center for Veterinary Care | NorthPaws Veterinary Center | Yorkshire Veterinary Clinic | Theater View Veterinary Clinic | Northwest Animal Care Hospital | Stonecliff Animal Clinic of NH | SPCA Tampa Bay Veterinary Center | KC Dog Guard | Foothill Animal Hospital | Town & Country Animal Hospital | Good Day Doodles | Rancho Bernardo Pet Hospital | Suffolk Veterinary Group | Darlene & Bradford's Chihuahuas | Marietta Vet Clinic | Kindness Animal Hospital | Marquette Veterinary Clinic | Pinehurst Animal Hospital | Brook-Falls Veterinary Hospital & Exotic Care | Animal Hospital of Chelsea

      Asia Veterinary Clinic | Adinadu Veterinary Hospital | Asia Pet Shop & Dog Clinic | Doggie's Choice Veterinary Clinic | Royal Veterinary Clinic | Veterinary Emergency and Specialty Hospital | St. Benedict Veterinary Clinic | Asia-Pacific Animal Hospital | Asia Veterinary Clinic | Defu Veterinary Clinic | Makhibaha Animal Hospital | Pan-Asia Veterinary Clinic | Asia Veterinary Clinic | Friends of the Asian Elephant Hospital | Vet Practice Pte Ltd | Stars Veterinary Clinic | Monster Pet Vet | Bentoli AgriNutrition Asia Pte Ltd | Govt. Veterinary Clinic | CGS Veterinary Hospital | Panacea Veterinary Clinic | Govt Veterinary Hospital Ernakulam | Paws animal rescue hospital | White Cloud South East Asia | Asia-Pacific Animal Hospital

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